5 Minutes For Mom is holding a photo contest with the winner getting $1,000.00. It's sponsered by Egg Beaters - Yay! The competition is for photo's of what motherhood means to you.
Here's my entry
5 Minutes For Mom is holding a photo contest with the winner getting $1,000.00. It's sponsered by Egg Beaters - Yay! The competition is for photo's of what motherhood means to you.
Posted by Jocasta at 12:02 PM
Oh my goodness... it is amazing how quickly you forget how little they were. That is a sweet sweet photo.
Wowsers, thats amazing! I cant believe they were that small and all of the hell you went through considering how far they have come. I hope you win! Think of all the spending money for Ikea.
Oh Katie I'm so so so looking forward to Ikea (and your wedding of course!)
Excellent photo!
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