Sunday, August 3, 2008

I've been insulted

I know that most twin mothers can give you a list of things they are so sick of hearing!

Double trouble, you have your hands full, or just plain TWINS! when you walk past.

I feel quite fortunate that up until now pretty much all of our comments have been positive. I am excluding double trouble here as just something annoying people say - annoying people but generally well meaning people. I generally have lovely conversations with people about my girls and how wonderful they are. For me I love this after all the stress of a monoamniotic pregnancy and NICU stay still fresh in my mind to have strangers admire my babies is something that I cherish.

Well today we took a family trip to Te Papa. Te Papa is our national museum and it's a very hands on kid friendly place filled with families. All 5 of us got into the lift and before the doors closed an middle aged couple squeezed in. The man said and I quote "you best be getting a tv to keep yourselves occupied"

I was floored absolutely floored. I cannot understand why my family size would be of any interest to anyone else and why you would feel that such a comment was appropriate to be said and even slightly amusing. Now I know that as soon as the man had exited the lift our encounter would have been forgotten to him but I have flumed all day!


Kellan said...

I have had a few not so nice comments over the years too - having twins as well and also having 4 kids total. Some people just don't think before they talk.

Have a good day - Kellan

Claremont First Ward said...

Geez. Some people are so lame.

Laurie said...

People are rude and ignorant! Plain and simple. Words hurt and people do not think before they speak.

I am sorry this happened. Now go get that tv. :) J/K I hope that you are not so mad anymore and that you were able to enjoy the museum with the girls.

Jaime said...

What a weirdo. Maybe he was just jealous of your husband:)

Connie said...

OMG!! Some one asked us if we owned a TV as well!! I thought it was the weirdest thing...and I actually didn't know what he was talking about at first and then laughed and said well not if we watch porno all the time...jerks.

Ed & Jeanne said...

You should have said...don't worry, I just told them to wipe boogers on your pants while we're in the lift...that should keep them busy.

Shannon said...

If only people knew how a one nasty comment can affect another. I'm sorry he offended you. I have gotten some snide remarks like "You have done ENOUGH for the procreation of the earth. I think you ought to stop now." Yeah, he really said that to me...before I told him we weren't having anymore. Some people are just insensitive and rude. Don't let it get to you. Easier said that done.

Debra said...

I am sorry that happened. I hear it all the time as well. MOst often it is "Don't you know what causes it?"

dlyn said...

That is unreal! People don't understand boundaries sometimes. Nice blog you have - I will be back to check it out more.

girlytwins said...

Some people can be so awful. I'm sorry.

AutoSysGene said...

Wow, how nice of the gentleman to worry about your reproductive system...NOT!

You should have handed him a roll of duct tape and told him what to do with it.

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

hugs to you! We have a 13yo, a 2yo, and our twin boys, so we get our share of nasty comments as well. I love to tell folks I'm not done yet. Hang in there!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Flumed all day, eh? Not worth it, right?

I'm trying to come up with something funny for you...but it's late here, late enough that it's late there too in fact. But I got drugged up today and slept it off, so now...well...


Next time tell him: We don't need no stinkin' TV! We can just watch your red-necked self and get plenty O entertainment!

Bad huh. I told you, it's late.

Threeundertwo said...

Ugh! I'm so sorry. What makes people think it's ok to make comments like that?

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I don't think 3 kids is too many...they probably have no kids and watch TV all the time (get it? No sex going on in THEIR bedroom! lol!)

Stephanie said...

A comment like that b/c of 3 kids? What a j.e.r.k.

Lottie_Ellie said...

That is so rude.

The worst I had was a woman at the farmer's market who yelled at me because the girls were not dressed identically... apparently it is my "duty" to dress them the same so people know they are identical not fraternal. Huh?

Brooke said...

Ahhh! The lovely comments...I got my first "which one is the good one and which one is the bad one" the other awful!

I think we went to that museum when we were in Wellington...or we went to some museum there, I think that was the name. It was very nice, I'm sure you had a nice time!