Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

I am sure she loved having that on her head! Such a kind mummy you ar :)

Debra said...


Mom said...

sweet, is that a horses mane?

Shannon said...

Is that a mane? Too cute!

girlytwins said...

Her face is so cute peeking out under all that hair.

Claremont First Ward said...

What exactly is that on her head? :)

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...


Tracy said...

I love her facial expression - like, 'yeah, so I'm dressed up - so what?'

Laurie said...

So fun... and cute

Connie said...

So cute...I was looking at how pink her little nose was and then it occurred to me that it's winter there....

Lala said...

Adorable! those little pouty lips make me so jealous that you have girls! WINK
(Watch out for all your girls, they are gonna be heart breakers!)

Kellan said...

What a sweet little darling!

Have a great weekend - Kellan

Stephanie said...

Darling little..horsie? Very cute!

Lottie_Ellie said...

So funny! That is a classic.

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

So cute! It looks like a punk hair do from the 80's. lol!